Reference List of Animal Species

GroupNATURA 2000 - EUROPEAN UNION Animal SPECIES (Annex II, IV, V) in SerbiaPriorityAnnex IIAnnex IVAmendmentsPannonian
Overall knowledge
(Annex II species)
(Annex II species)
General comment:
Listed species of Annex II and Annex IV (+ Annex V for Fish species)
Not included species which are occured only on territory of Kosovo & Metohija;
X - presence - confirm on workshop 2019; experts assessment 2019 - 2021; working groups meetings 2021
ABombina bombina11XX2224b
ABombina variegata11XX324b2
AHyla arborea01XX2222
APelobates fuscus01XX2324b
APelobates syriacus01XX334b4b
APseudepidalea viridis
(Bufo viridis)
ARana dalmatina01XX2222
ARana esculenta
(Pelophylax esculenta)
Annex V
ARana graeca01X22
ARana lessonae
(Pelophylax lessonae)
ARana ridibunda
(Pelophylax ridibunda)
Annex V
ARana temporariaAnnex V
ASalamandra atra01only in Kosovo; proposed for exclusion from ref.list
ATriturus carnifex
(T. macedonicus)
11X23adifference in scientific name (previous Triturus carnifex 1167) is due to a change in taxon concept (e.g. because previous species concept has been revised and split up in two species).
ATriturus cristatus11XX324a4a
ATriturus dobrogicus111XX233a4aThe species is given as a proposal for amendments to the Annexes of Habitats Directive - proposal for Annex IV
ATriturus karelinii
AIPalingenia longicauda111X34a
BBarbastella barbastellus11XX324b4b
BEptesicus serotinus01XX223a3a
BHypsugo savii
(Pipistrellus savii)
BMiniopterus schreibersii11XX214a3a
BMyotis alcathoe01XX224a3a
BMyotis bechsteinii11XX224a4a
BMyotis blythii11XX324a3a
BMyotis brandtii01? SRX5364b? SR - PAN - Scientific reserve - needs further confirmation by field mapping
BMyotis capaccini11X1103a
BMyotis dasycneme11XX233b4b
BMyotis daubentonii01XX2222
BMyotis emarginatus11XX114a3a
BMyotis myotis11XX314a3a
BMyotis mystacinus01XX223a3a
BMyotis nattereri01XX224a4a
BNyctalus leisleri01XX223a3a
BNyctalus noctula01XX2222
BPipistrellus kuhlii01XX2211
BPipistrellus nathusii01XX2222
BPipistrellus pipistrellus01XX2222
BPipistrellus pygmaeus01XX2222
BPlecotus auritus01XX324a4a
BPlecotus austriacus01XX224a4a
BPlecotus macrobullaris01X1506
BRhinolophus blasii11X1104b
BRhinolophus euryale11XX314a4a
BRhinolophus ferrumequinum11XX113a3a
BRhinolophus hipposideros11X1103a
BRhinolophus mehelyi11X1304b
BTadarida teniotis01X1304b
BVespertilio murinus01XX224b4b
BeBolbelasmus unicornis11XX334b4bmore data for Bolbelasmus unicornis is available in Ćurčić et al.
BeCarabus hungaricus11X?334bn/ano data available; There are few recent finding of this species from pannonian region
BeCarabus variolosus11XX324b3bMore data on Carabus variolosus is available for Vršac Mt., Fruška Gora, Zasavica, Juhor (Mesaroš, pers comm). The problem with species nomenclature exist.
BeCerambyx cerdo11XX124b4bdistribution map from BF 2019 as Cerambyx cerdo subsp. cerdo 2.doc
BeCucujus cinnaberinus11X153bn/aIts presence in forests in the floodplain areas of Danube, Sava and Tisa is higly expected. It is not excluded that it is distributed further south (there are several specimens in the Museum of Natural History in Belgrade collected in 1934 around Kruševac)
BeGraphoderus bilineatus11X?3n/a4bn/acould be recorded in still water overgrown in Nymphaea sp; no data available from Continental r. There is an occurrence from around Majdanpek (Matić, 1922). In this moment there are no suitable habitats in that area
BeLimoniscus violaceus10Xn/a5n/a4bNew data for Limoniscus violaceus from Sopotnica (Gabor Mesaroš, unpublished data). Search for this species should be done during the night when more specimens are active. Sopotnica is in the Alpine region. There are also a published occurence from the Majdanpek forestry (šumska domena Živojinović, 1950). It's presence in that area can be expected.
BeLucanus cervus10XX113b3b
BeMorimus funereus10XX113b3b
BeOsmoderma eremita111?X43n/a4b? - no data available from Pannonian region, the presence of this species in the Pannonian region is unlikely. They prefer veteran trees with big holes and cavities that were in Vojvodina cut out long time ago. All recent findings of this species is from the alpine region
BePhryganophilus ruficollis11144n/an/aold literature data, their exclusion/inclusion into the reference list will be disscuss
BePilemia tigrina11XX334b4bshould be serched for in ruderal habitats, monophagous on Anchusa barrelieri.
BeRhysodes sulcatus1044n/an/aold literature data, their exclusion/inclusion into the reference list will be disscuss
BeRosalia alpina111XX314b3bdistribution map from BF 2019 as Rosalia alpina subsp. alpina 2.doc
BeStephanopachys substriatus1144n/an/aold literature data, their exclusion/inclusion into the reference list will be disscuss
BeTentyria frivaldszkii111XX334an/aThis species is common on sandy habitats at right banks of the Danube river between Ram and Veliko Gradiste.
BuApatura metis01Xx?354b4bX? - Records from Kragujevac are a result of missidentification (Abadijev, 2006: Recent records from Stara planina should be checked (Langourov, 2009: Ecologica Montenegrina, 20, 2019, 119-162).
BuArytrura musculus11XX?354b6X? - CON - no recorded
BuCallimorpha quadripunctaria/ 6199 Eupalagia quadripunctaria111X - SRX - SR2222European Commision mistake - this species should not be included to the Annexes, it is not sufficient to prepare special sites only for this species
BuChondrosoma fiduciarium
11?56Species which was not recorded in Serbia, but their presence could be expected in Vojvodina, for its recent record in Ásotthalom. Hard to be recorded. Late October – early November. Host plants: Seseli tortuosum, Centaurea jacea, C. scabiosa, Achilea asplenifolia, Euphorbia sp... Wingless females.
BuColias myrmidone11Ex (SR)Ex (SR)4466Excint - Scientific reserve - only old data are available (last 1993)
BuCucullia mixta11?56Species which was not recorded in Serbia, but their presence could be expected. Host plant Aster (Galatella) linosyris, flies from late May to late June
BuDioszeghyana schmidtii
BuErannis ankeraria115364aSpecies which was not recorded in Serbia, but their presence could be expected
BuEriogaster catax11XX2 / 353b3b
BuEuphydryas aurinia11X?X413b3bX? - PAN - only old literature data available
BuEuphydryas maturna
(Hypodryas maturna)
BuGlyphipterix loricatella11??56The species Glyphipterix loricatella is recorded by Meess & Spuler (1910) without precise locality. Its host plant is Iris sp. And is found in forest steppe, usually in calcareous area, more likely in Pannonian reg.
BuGortyna borelii lunata11XX254a6
BuHyles hippophaes01Species which was not recorded in Serbia, but their presence could be expected
BuLeptidea morsei11Ex (SR)?4466Extinct - no recent data
BuLignyoptera fumidaria11??56Species which was not recorded in Serbia, but their presence could be expected (Vojvodina?). Flying during the day.Xerothermous habitat, calcareous or dolometes. Probably polyphagous, usually on Achilea sp.
BuLopinga achine01Ex (SR)56no recent data
BuLycaena dispar11XX2222
BuLycaena helle11X14b
(Phengaris) arion
(Phengaris) teleuis
11X1 / 34b
BuNymphalis vaualbum111X?X24bX? - no pernament population
BuParnassius apollo01X24b
BuParnassius mnemosyne01XX324b2
BuPhyllometra culminaria11?56Species which was not recorded in Serbia, but their presence could be expected. It is found in western Hungary and considered as arelict of the steppe. Flying during the day.
BuPolyommatus eroides (eros)11X24a
BuProserpinus proserpina01XX554b4b
BuPseudophilotes bavius11Kosovo i Metohija
BuZerynthia (Zerynthia) polyxena 01XX2222
CFAustropotamobius pallipes105566Austropotamobius pallipes was found in Montenegro, in Zeta river and in Bosnia and Herzegovina on several localities (eastern borders of the species distribution). There is some possibility to record this species along Ibar and Lim rivers.
CFAustropotamobius torrentium110XX314b3b
DFAeshna viridis01?5566old 1994 data record near Subotica; distribution map from BF 2019 as Aeshna viridis 2.doc; The species is strongly connected with water soldier (Stratiotes alloides) so I would personally (Miloš Jović) expect to find it in the near future in the lowlads of N Serbia (basically in Vojvodina). data from fulcrum database 2020 is not relevant (Pavol´s note)
DFCoenagrion ornatum10XX554b4b
DFCordulegaster heros11XX224b3a
DFLeucorhinia pectoralis11XX3366Habitats where the species was previoulsy found in Serbia are either destroyed or going to be destroyed in quite a near future, due to production of an artificial lake (Vlasina) or climate change - drought (Selevenj). However, both locations are on the very borders with Bulgaria and Hungary (respectively). Having in mind that both bordering counties have populations of L. pectoralis, it seems we can expect immigration of the species as soon as we manage to maintain and protect suitable habitats. Moreover, some Serbian populations may be overlooked.
DFLeucorrhinia caudalis01?5560The last and only data from Serbia are from 1970-ies. It is most likely that the species is not present in Serbia anymore. However there are suitalbe habitats and there are good reasons to look for it in the province of Vojvodina)
DFOphiogomphus cecilia11XX554b4b
DFStylurus (Gomphus) flavipes01XX253b4bThe species is rather frequent along large lowland rivers (at least teh Danube and Sara rivers). It is recommneded to perform exuviae survey in late June - early July.
FAcipencer sturio111ExExEx - extinct in Danube
FAcipenser nudiventris00Annex V
FAcipenser ruthenus00Annex V
FAcipenser stellatus00Annex V
FAlosa spp.
(A. imaculata sy. A. pontica 2491, A. tanaica)
10Xprobably SR Ref; Annex V
FAspius aspius10XX1101
FBarbus balcanicus00Annex V
FBarbus barbus00Annex V
FBarbus cyclolepis00Annex V
FBarbus rebeli00Annex V
FChalcaburnus chalcoides
(Alburnus chalcoides)
FCobitis elongata10XX113b3b
FCobitis taenia
(Cobitis elongatoides)
FCottus gobio10X223b3b
FEudontomyzon spp.
(E.danfordi 4123, E.mariae 2484, E.stankokaramani)
FEudontomyzon vladykovi10XX5556
FGobio albipinnatus10XX
FGobio kessleri10XX224b4b(Romanogobio kessleri 6143 + including Romanogobio banaticus 5327)
FGobio uranoscopus10XX554b4b
FGymnocephalus baloni11X?224b4b
FGymnocephalus schraetzer10XX2201Annex V
FHucho hucho10X114b4bAnnex V
FHuso huso00Annex V
FLeuciscus souffia
(Telestes souffia)
FMisgurnus fossilis10XX224b4b
FPelecus cultratus11XX224b4bAnnex V
FRhodeus sericeus amarus
(Rhodeus amarus)
FRutilus pigus
(Rutilus pigus virgo 5345)
10??114b4bcomment - WG meeting 20.4.2021 -Jasmina Krpo-Ćetković - "ne živi u Srbiji; pogrešno se vodi u pravilnicima umesto Rutilus virgo"; Annex V
FSabanejewia aurata
(S. balcanica 5197; S.bulgarica 5347)
FSalmo macrostigma
(including S.macedonicus 5353)
10X114b4bThe name Salmo trutta macrostigma (or Salmo macrostigma) has previously been used of many populations also in other regions around the Mediterranean, but in recent years those have been split into separate local species;
FThymallus thymallus00Annex V
FUmbra krameri10XX114b4b
FZingel streber10XX224b4b
FZingel zingel00Annex V
GIsophya costata11X2n/a3bn/aSubotička peščara, Ivkovič
GIsophya stysi11?55n/an/aThere is also some possibility to record Isophya stysi in the viccinity of Đerdap gorge; no data available
GParacaloptenus caloptenoides11XX32n/a3bThe least studied area in Serbia for this group is located in Central parts of the country, where only Paracaloptenus caloptenoides is to be expected (but maybe Saga pedo and Pholidoptera transsylvanica could also be recorded)
GPholidoptera transsylvanica11?X323b3b
GPyrgomorphula serbica111Xn/a1n/a4aTara NP
GSaga pedo01XX324b4b
GStenobothrus eurasius11?55n/an/aThere is also some possibility to record Stenobothrus eurasius in north-western Serbia (Gakovo, Bački Breg, Stanišić) ; no data available
GZeuneriana amplipennis111?X3n/a4an/aaround Sava & Danube
MCanis aureusAnnex V
MCanis lupus1111XX114b3bThe species is given as a proposal for amendments to the Annexes of Habitats Directive - proposal for Annex V; + geographical restriction for Annex II & IV (The request for derogation (geographical restriction) refers only to a part of the wolf population lacated south of the Sava and Danube rivers. In the province of Vojvodina, the wolf will retain the status of a strictly protected species.)
MCastor fiber11XX223b4a
MCricetus cricetus01XX224b4b
MDinaromys bogdanovi11only in Kosovo I (Pavol) propose to exclude from the list
MDryomys nitedula01X5204a
MFelis sylvestris011XX223b3bThe species is given as a proposal for amendments to the Annexes of Habitats Directive - proposal for Annex V; + geographical restriction for Annex IV (geographical restriction) refers only to a part of the wolf population lacated south of the Sava and Danube rivers. In the province of Vojvodina, the wolf will retain the status of a strictly protected species.)
MLutra lutra11XX2222
MLynx lynx
(Lynx lynx balcanicus; Lynx lynx carpathicus)
11? SRX1104b? SR - PAN - Scientific reserve - needs further confirmation by field mapping (Deliblatska peščara/vršačke planine)
MMartes martesAnnex V
MMuscardinus avellanarius01XX224a3a
MMustela eversmanii11X? SR254b6 ? SR - CON - Scientific reserve - needs further confirmation by field mapping
MMustela lutreola11Ex1100Ex- data missing from 1941
MMustela putoriusAnnex V
MRupicapra rupicapra balcanica111X1204bThe species is given as a proposal for amendments to the Annexes of Habitats Directive - proposal for Annex V; + geographical restriction for Annex II & IV ? SR Alpine - it is confirmed only in Kosovo alpine region
MSicista subtilis11X?214a0X? - PAN -missing recent data, only 1 literature data record from 1992 in Deliblatska peščara)
MSpermophilus citellus11XX223b3b
MUrsus arctos111X?X1104bX? - PAN - a few recent records of single specimens in Vojvodina
MVormela peregusna11X1204b
MoAnisus vorticulus 115566
MoTheodoxus transversalis11X224b4b
MoTrochulus striolatus
(Discus defloratus)
01?Species is present in Serbia and is originally listed under the name Discus defloratus in the Annex IV of the Habitats Directive. However Discus defloratus has been incorrectly described on the basis of single empty shell and is now considered as a species Trichia striolata or Trochulus striolatus. As such the taxa should still be legally protected within EU. Further discussion is recquired!
MoUnio crassus11XX224b4busual fish hosts: Cottus gobio, Phoxinus phoxinus, Leuciscus cephalus, Scardinuis erythrophthalmus, Gymnocephalus cernua a Perca fluviatilis
MoVertigo angustior10??5566The species Vertigo angustior and Vertigo moulinsiana could be recorded in Serbia, with special attention for V. moulinsiana which is widely distributied in the neighbouring countries. Their distribution should be checked in the field by group experts.
MoVertigo moulinsiana10??5566The species Vertigo angustior and Vertigo moulinsiana could be recorded in Serbia, with special attention for V. moulinsiana which is widely distributied in the neighbouring countries. Their distribution should be checked in the field by group experts.
RAblepharus kitaibelii01XX324b2
RAlgyroides nigropunctatus01likely only in Kosove proposed for exclusion from ref.list
RColuber caspius
(Dolichophis caspius)
01XX224b (5 areas)2
RColuber najadum
(Platyceps najadum)
RCoronella austriaca01XX2222
RCyrtopodion kotschyi
(Mediodactylus kotschyi)
01likely only in Kosove, in entire Serbia only introduced populations proposed for exclusion from ref.list
RElaphe longissima
(Zamenis longissimus)
RElaphe quatuorlineata11X34b
REmys orbicularis11XX2222
RLacerta agilis01XX2222
RLacerta viridis01XX2122
RNatrix tessellata01XX2222
RPodarcis erhardii01X34b
RPodarcis muralis01XX2211
RPodarcis taurica01XX2222
RTestudo graeca11X34b
RTestudo hermanni11?X22
RVipera ammodytes01?X224b1
RVipera berus bosniensis
(Vipera berus)
011XX324b2The species is given as a proposal for amendments to the Annexes of Habitats Directive - proposal for Annex IV;
RVipera ursinii11X34bnew data record in Mokra gora (Mala natura 2020)
RZootoca vivipara pannonica
(Lacerta vivipara pannonica)
01?distribution map for subspecies pannonica is not available (no data available yet)